Table of Contents


Session Chairs

Prof. Ulrich Detges (Munich) has worked on the mechanisms of language change, specifically on grammaticalization and reanalysis. As part of this field of interest, his work includes research on creolization, especially on the question of what mechanisms of language change are typical of creolization.

Prof. Jürgen Lang (Erlangen) has been Professor for Romance Linguistics at the FAU Erlangen, his widely respected research on theories of creole genesis and his work on the Cape Verdean Creole, namely the Santiago variety, have led to numerous publications, among others the 2002 Dictionary for the Santiago Creole.

Gudrun Ledegen (La Réunion) studies, in the oral database Valirun (Linguistic Varieties of Reunion Island), the reunionese French and Creole, and their contact, considering the domains of phonetics and syntaxis.

Monika Sokol (Bayreuth/Mannheim) has been doing research on verbal and nominal categorization in Romance varieties since 1997, currently on nominals and nominal categorization in a comparative perspective, thus including ,emerging' nominal categories in Creole genesis.

Dominika Swolkien (Mindelo/Coimbra) is writing her Ph.D. dissertation supervised by prof. John Holm on the variety of Cape Verdean Creole spoken on the island of São Vicente. She is assistant in the Department of Social and Human Sciences at the University of Cape Verde in Mindelo, São Vicente. Her research interests include the relationship between the socio-historical conditions and the morpho-syntactic outcomes of language contact.

Jean-Philippe Watbled (La Réunion)

Kofi Yakpo (Nijmegen/Berlin) is currently completing his PhD degree at the University of Nijmegen under the supervision of Pieter Muysken with the first descriptive grammar of Pichi, the English-lexifier Creole of Bioko (Equatorial Guinea). His research interests include the West African and Surinamese English-lexifier Creoles, Bislama, prosodic systems, codemixing, as well as language policy and human rights.

Organisation Team

Bettina Lämmle (Munich/Mannheim) is working in her PhD-thesis (supervised by Eva Eckkrammer, Mannheim, and Ulrich Detges, Munich) on the syntactical differences between written and spoken Papiamentu. This Creole has also been the topic of her master's thesis.

Christina Märzhäuser (Munich/Coimbra) is working in her PhD-thesis (supervised by Wulf Oesterreicher, Munich, and John Holm, Coimbra) on language contact between Cape Verdean Creole and Portuguese in suburban Lisbon, focussing on processes of congruent lexicalisation and code-switching. Her master's thesis was about the linguistic situation and interference in the same setting.

Elissa Pustka (Munich/Paris) has been working about the contact of French and Creole in Guadeloupe, refuting the continuum hypothesis. Now, she is interested in the expression of quantity in Romance languages as well as in Romance-based Creoles.

Last modified: 2015/12/28 18:38